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nice什么意思 nice什么意思中文翻译

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nice是许多英语初学者都认识的英文单词,常见的表达有nice to meet you,那么nice这个简单的单词有哪些意思呢?

nice什么意思 nice什么意思中文翻译


nice什么意思 nice什么意思中文翻译 第2张


‘Do you want to come, too?’ ‘Yes, that would be nice.’“你也想来吗?”“是啊,很高兴来。”

The nicest thing about her is that she never criticizesus.她最大的好处就是从不批评我们。

Nice to meet you! (= a friendly greeting when you meet sb for the firsttime) 很高兴见到你!

nice什么意思 nice什么意思中文翻译 第3张

It's been nice meeting you .这次见到你真高兴。

It's nice that you can come with us.你能和我们一起去真是太好了。

It would be nice if he moved to London.他要是搬到伦敦就好了。

It's nice to know that somebody appreciates what I do.知道有人欣赏我所做的事真让人开心。

We all had the flu last week─it wasn't very nice.真不走运——上周我们都得了流感。